Margie Schroeder
208-941-3060 |


Getting the best deal

What have similar properties sold for in the immediate area? How long were they on the market? How does this one compare? Is it over-priced, under-priced, or fair value? What type of market is it - is it a Seller's, Buyer's or a Balanced market? By having this information at your fingertips, you are in a position to negotiate the best price and take advantage of any opportunities that may show up.

Many people commonly use the terms Salesperson, Broker, Agent and REALTOR® interchangeably, as if they are all one and the same. The truth is that these terms have different meanings and we should be careful in their use.
Read through our list of the most common buying and selling mistakes to avoid.  By simply reading over this list it can help you to save thousands of dollars and position yourself for a very easy transaction. 
Buying or Selling a home is a complex and stressful undertaking. Getting an expert to help will save you time, money and aggravation.

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Margie Schroeder